
Showing posts from June, 2022

What is a Fake or Paid Review?

What is a review? Feedback given by verified and authentic customers who have actually consumed the commodity or service is called review. Such feedback is independent, unbiased and is purely based on the consumer’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction arriving after consumption of the product. Importance of review In today’s era of online marketing, more than 65% of prospective customers make their buying decisions based on the reviews put by other consumers on that online platform who have already consumed that product or service. Consumer ratings and reviews backed by the image of the product aid a lot in making a decision whether to buy a product or not. Ratings and reviews are the only tool on which they can rely before buying any product which they have neither seen in physical, touched, felt or used for trial purposes as in case of offline marketing. What is a fake or paid review? A fake or paid review is such review which is not put by a verified and authentic customer. Moreover, it...

Tips For CA Final Students To Start Again With Right Approach

  Each year, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is conducting the CA final examinations in between May and Dec. The CA final exam results on the official website two months after the exam. Be aware that not every candidate who appeared on the CA final exam will be able to pass the test. Kisalay  Commerce Classes   congratulates all CA candidates who are aspiring to have the opportunity to become Chartered Accountants within India. There are numerous students who were not successful in passing the tests this time, but they will be able to pass at the next opportunity should they decide to take the correct approach to their study. The feeling of failing in the CA final exams can be very difficult for students. The students have put in their perseverance, commitment and concentration to their study however sometimes, you will require a strategy that will help you pass the exams. There's a saying that goes," Failure is just the chance to begin again and th...