What is a Fake or Paid Review?

What is a review?

Feedback given by verified and authentic customers who have actually consumed the commodity or service is called review. Such feedback is independent, unbiased and is purely based on the consumer’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction arriving after consumption of the product.

Importance of review

In today’s era of online marketing, more than 65% of prospective customers make their buying decisions based on the reviews put by other consumers on that online platform who have already consumed that product or service. Consumer ratings and reviews backed by the image of the product aid a lot in making a decision whether to buy a product or not. Ratings and reviews are the only tool on which they can rely before buying any product which they have neither seen in physical, touched, felt or used for trial purposes as in case of offline marketing.

What is a fake or paid review?

A fake or paid review is such review which is not put by a verified and authentic customer. Moreover, it is not a genuine and independent review purposefully put to mostly build a very good image of the product ultimately resulting in more profits which in reality it may not be. Fake reviews are put to upgrade the image of unworthy products and services having poor quality and low utility. Fake, misleading and paid reviews also violate the right to be informed of the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services provided by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Moreover, fake and paid reviews frustrate the very reason for which rating and review mechanism was brought in use.

After a meeting between Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA), Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) and online marketing platforms like flipkart, amazon and other stakeholders, on Monday 27th of June 2022, Department of Consumer Affairs issued a statement that DoCA will study the present mechanism of reviews and ratings and formulate a legal framework to curb the fast growing mechanism of fake and paid reviews and ratings.

This article has been prepared by Kisalay Commerce Classes which is the best commerce coaching.


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